Thursday, June 24, 2010

Walking around

What a day we had today!! We walked and walked and walked. . .we guestimate we walked about 10 km (if not more). The kids had their first experience of the London tube. . .which they loved! We tubed it to Trafalgar Square, then walked to the entrance of The Mall (which leads to Buckingham Palace), along beautiful Regent street with all its wonderful shops, shopped at Hamley's (the iconic London toy shop), then onto lunch at a traditional English pub (Shakespeare's Head).
We then walked along London's famous Oxford Street with all its shops and Department stores. Steven and I felt like we were in New York again. . .boy oh boy if you don't walk at the correct pace - you'll get run over by the wave of pedestrians behind you!!!
We later walked through Hyde Park to the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain -erected in her honour after her tragic death. Then onto Kensington Gardens and Kensington Palace.
After we left Kensington Palace, we heard (more than saw) a helicopter approaching and waited to see who might be inside. . .when it landed in a field adjacent to Kensington Palace, Princess Anne emerged and was quickly whisked into the waiting limosine and driven away!! Our second royal sighting in as many days!
Back on the tube to London Bridge, stopped at the local supermaket for some supplies and headed home for a well-earned rest and (for Steven and I)our first taste of Pimms. . .eh not bad!
Off to Greenwich tomorrow to visit the Royal Observatory and stand on the Prime Meridian (or the centre of world time).

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