Friday, June 25, 2010


Today we had a fascinating and very educational day. We went to Greenwich which is the home of the Prime Meridian (or the centre of the world's time). All world time is measured against "Greenwich Mean Time" and at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich -you get to see the actual line which divides the world into east and west (just as the equator divides the earth into north and south). It was truly amazing!! The views from the Observatory were spectacular as well. At the Observatory there is a Planetarium or Astronomy Centre and we got tickets to see a show called "Our Neighbours". In essence it was like an IMAX interactive experience which required you to look upwards into this dome and we learned about the stars, the planets, the sun and all manner of astronomical things which we did not know (or at least for Steven and I - was long-forgotten). There were a number of English primary school groups there and the kids put us to shame in terms of their knowledge of the planets and stars!!! The kids absolutely loved this experience - even Zoe was mesmerised by the presentation!
After a lovely lunch in Greenwich, we headed back to Central London by Tube and walked along Chancery Lane - home of the London Law Society (photo moment for Claudine) and all manner of things legal, then onto Fleet Street and St Paul's Cathedral. This Cathedral was where Charles and Diana were married back in 1983 and it is a magnificent architectural feat. Built between 1675 and 1710, it is truly remarkable and it has one of the largest domes.
We were privilged to be there when the choir were singing and it was like hearing angels sing. We were all in awe! We'll probably go back for another look we loved it that much!
Back home on a double-decker bus (just like Harry Potter!). Exhausted.

1 comment:

  1. Keep on going Harry Potter... it's worthy such an Odyssey. I wish I had the chance and a great company to it! But be careful not to be too exhausted when you visit! So, tonight I'm going to enjoy my ouzo to your trip and to your amazing kids. Hi to you too Claudine.
