Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Natural History Museum and Harrods

Today we had another educational day when we visited London's Natural History Museum. Picture "Night at the Musuem". . .but better! The kids loved it! Three hours passed in a flash as we wandered amongst dinosaur skeletons, giant blue whales and all manner of fossilised creatures - and we only saw half of the museum displays.

There were so many people and school groups, we decided to split the day into 2 and come back another day and finish our tour. . .So we wandered up to Knightsbridge - home of the famous department store "Harrods". Harrods is currently having a sale and there were throngs of people flowing in and out of the various shopping halls. We picked up a few things from the perfumery and then headed for the food halls (yes. . .I know it's all we seem to be concerned with!). We picked up some Harrods coffee and tea, chocolates and then moved to the fresh food halls and sat down at the oyster bar for a light snack!! The kids weren't that interested in the oysters (which were delightful!), so all the more for Steven and I!!!!
back home on the tube for an early night. . .our first in the entire week.
More shopping tomorrow, with a traditional English afternoon tea booked at Fortnum & Mason (which should be lovely!).

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